How To Use Cannabis Topicals To Achieve Incredible Wellness
The post How To Use Cannabis Topicals To Achieve Incredible Wellness appeared first on High Times.
In addition to incredible health, cannabis can help you achieve incredible wellness. And you don’t even need to smoke or eat the cannabis to get the health benefits. Thanks to the innovations of weed business owners and researchers, cannabis topicals are now a viable option for reaching all of your wellness goals.
What Is Wellness?
So when we talk about wellness, what exactly are we talking about? Wellness is a concept that, while related to health, goes beyond. When experts discuss wellness, they are typically referring to the “Eight Dimensions of Wellness.”
Those dimensions are: physical, environmental, financial, emotional, occupational, intellectual, social and spiritual.
The concept of wellness has gained a lot of attention in the past few years. In fact, many workplaces and university health centers employ and refer to it when discussing health. Overall, wellness is a holistic concept that encourages us to make the best decisions for ourselves in every aspect of our lives.
Cannabis Topicals
We all know that weed has a ton of health benefits. Whether you smoke it, use a vaporizer or eat edibles, the cannabis plant positively impacts your health. But did you know that smoking, vaping or eating weed aren’t the only ways to benefit from the herb?
Cannabis topicals are exactly what they sound like. Lotions, oils, rubs, suppositories and more that are infused with THC and CBD—the active chemicals in cannabis which have proven health benefits. While cannabis topicals typically do not get you high, they are powerful enough to sink into your skin and combat any aches and pains you may be feeling.
These topicals have been seeing an industry boom in the past few years. While there are numerous cannabis businesses that are venturing into topicals, we have an affinity for one company in particular.
The cannabis company Incredibles launched in 2010 and was founded by Bob Eschino, Rick Scarpello and Derek Cumings. In the beginning, the company’s claim to fame rested on their specialty cannabis-infused artisanal chocolate bars. They currently offer a grand total of 17 flavors of weed-infused chocolate, as well as an assortment of six gummies.
Their tagline is “a better experience.”
And they certainly live up to it! The Incredibles company has won numerous awards, including a few from the High Times Cannabis Cup. And according to the company’s director of national marketing, Lily Colley, Incredibles was the first company to ensure that every part of the edible was even and balanced in its potency. They were also one of the first companies to implement child-proof packaging.
We caught up with Derek Cumings to learn more about the company’s origins. And where it’s going.
Derek Cumings
He’s not only a founder of the company. Cumings is also the creative director and is the creator of the Incredibles chocolate bars. For him, high quality and regulated medical cannabis is a deeply personal issue.
“I [research and develop] most of the products and I create most of them myself,” he said. “It all stems from when I fell 50 feet off a cliff about 20 years ago. I broke my legs, and I have compressed vertebrae and nerve damage in my lower legs and feet. I started down the cannabis trail as a patient, and started making [different products] for myself because they weren’t available.”
He explained that the first topical he made was a cannabis oil-infused lotion. And then he decided to make bath salts with the oil. Currently, he’s working with his team to develop transdermal patches and gels.
During our conversation, he stressed that health is of the utmost importance to the company. And that one of the goals of Incredibles is to allow people to take their required dose of cannabis in a discreet and unobtrusive way.
He also emphasized the company’s commitment to lab testing everything, with a special focus on the THC to CBD ratio of their products.
“I see it as a THC: CBD ratio [rather than CBD: THC],” he said. “THC is the regulated product, and we’re in a highly regulated market. THC is what we have to cultivate, and there’s not really an industry standard right now.”
Cumings has a THC-first philosophy when it comes to creating products. He recalls making a cannabis oil solution for a young girl, named Novaleigh, with a seizure disorder. The THC: CBD ratio for the child, then four years old, was 10:1. After the first dose of the oil, Novaleigh went six months seizure-free. It was a personal record for her.
The Incredible Wellness of Incredibles
We also spoke with Lily Colley recently to discuss the company’s newly launched line of products called Incredible Wellness.
“We’re pre-selling in Colorado and actually just started deliveries this week,” she said.
She told us that the line has been in research and development for years to ensure perfection.
“These products are about five years in the making,” she explained.
The Incredible Wellness line consists of a tincture, a vaporizer cartridge, bath salts and suppositories.
“I would say the tincture is going to be a top seller,” Colley predicted. “What’s really cool is that all of the products in the topical line are designed for a different type of user.”
“Cannabis is an alternative medicine,” she continued. “The anecdotal evidence of how it can help improve one’s overall health is exponential. What we would like to do as a company is advocate on behalf of those patients, and help shed light on the health benefits of cannabis. And also to bring the alternative formats—the tinctures and the topicals—to individuals who might not be aware of how they can integrate it into their already-healthy lifestyles.”
We asked Colley what the concept of wellness meant to her in relation to cannabis.
“For us, wellness truly means helping educate the public,” she said passionately. “Helping to bring about a change of the perception of the plant, and then also bringing safe access to those who need it.”
“We’re not saying we know more than doctors,” she stressed. “But we are saying we want to welcome more research into this industry and into cannabinoids. That’s the only way to truly get patients safe access.”
Final Hit: How To Use Cannabis Topicals To Achieve Incredible Wellness
By the end of our conversation with Colley, we were dying to know: What was her favorite product in the Incredible Wellness line?
“The Lavender and Eucalyptus Bath Salts!” she laughed. “It really helps with yoga and other athletic activity.”
To wrap it up, Colley brought up a rather unsettling statistic.
“Seventy percent of CBD products are mislabeled,” she said. But because of the company’s rigorous lab testing and standards, they remain at the top of the line.
“We built our reputation on being the antithesis of that. We are one of the most trusted cannabis companies in Colorado. Every product in the Incredibles line, whether its the original edibles line or the wellness line, is meant to be a manifestation of a better experience. From the quality of the product, all the way to customer service.”
Incredibles is currently available in six states and Puerto Rico. But if you don’t live in one of those states, don’t worry. Incredibles Wellness is about to expand nationally.
Of the relationship between cannabis and wellness, Cumings had these parting words of wisdom: “Whether it’s medical or recreational, it’s all for your wellbeing.”
That’s an attitude we can all get behind.
The post How To Use Cannabis Topicals To Achieve Incredible Wellness appeared first on High Times.