How To Earn Money With Cannabis—From Anywhere In The US
The post How To Earn Money With Cannabis—From Anywhere In The US appeared first on High Times.
New laws went into effect in 2017 in the State of Colorado. The laws are very simple and to the point. Anyone who passes the state criteria can be a business partner/equity owner in any type of cannabis business. This is great news for most since our research shows that with the right organization the profit margins can be incredibly inviting.
We are going to break this down to the best of our ability, so you can see what options you have and what might be the best fit for you.
Many people think that cannabis stocks are the easiest and correct way to go. Undoubtedly, many cannabis stocks have grown leaps and bounds since their inception and have doubled, tripled and grown at alarming rates. With hundreds and even thousands of cannabis stocks to choose from and the steady growth of cannabis stocks, we definitely believe cannabis stocks are here to stay. Our belief is to locate an expert in this field and give it a go.
How To Earn Money With Cannabis Cultivation
Photo Courtesy of Pixabay
Cannabis grow facilities or cultivation centers are very interesting to evaluate.
In the great State of Colorado, there are many indoor facilities and many outdoor facilities—with different advantages to both.
The indoor facilities grow and harvest year-round. An indoor facility automatically creates a distinct advantage since the weather never gets in the way of the growth process. The temperature and humidity are set to perfect ranges so that the end result should be very consistent and almost a perfect product.
In our research, we have found that the disadvantages to the indoor facilities are the amount of water and electricity that it takes to maintain the indoor facility. The cost of water and electricity are extremely expensive to maintain these indoor facilities, which can equate to a higher than expected cost per pound. The indoor product sells for a higher price than the outdoor product, yet it could be vulnerable to the market if the overall prices were to shift downward.
The outdoor facilities have challenges as well.
The planting season starts in mid to late May so frost or freezing conditions can be avoided. The harvest season is normally scheduled from mid-September to October. The outdoor facility will only allow one grow per year, so a substantial amount needs to be planted for a successful harvest.
The biggest advantage that we have found for the outdoor facilities are the cost of the water and the electricity. Outdoor grow facilities that have a well, with basically an unlimited water supply, is a huge advantage. We have found that the cost per pound in this situation can be four to five times less between an outdoor and indoor grow facility.
With this being said, it is our belief that outdoor facilities are not quite as vulnerable if the entire market ever took a downward shift.
How To Earn Money With Cannabis Dispensaries
Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia
The dispensary market is absolutely amazing in Colorado. We have seen just about every type of theme and marketing available. It is our opinion that the dispensary market is no different than any other retail establishment.
Cost and location mean everything!!!
What we are simply saying is the startup needs to be presented in the most professional manner possible, but the cost needs to stay as low as possible.
Location, location, location is absolutely everything if you want to have a high profit and successful operation. We have been to many dispensaries in the past few years and spoken to many managers and owners. They have all made the same statement which is: “It is imperative to have great products, a killer location, along with a professional attitude toward your clients, and you will be successful.”
Other Avenues For Success In The Cannabis Industry
Photo Courtesy of CRM Farms
Obviously, there are many other avenues one could take to become involved in the world of cannabis.
Many people love the edibles market, which is approximately half the entire market in the State of Colorado. The kitchen market goes hand-in-hand with the edibles. The equipment market is another very viable option for those who want to stake their claim in this booming industry.
We could go on and on and on in regard to all the different ways to earn with cannabis in the State of Colorado (and throughout the rest of the U.S.). We know one thing for certain, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Colorado had the lowest unemployment numbers in the nation in 2016, and we think we know the reason why. In the last three years, we have spoken to many experts in the cannabis industry, and they have all echoed the same belief. They know that the cannabis industry is “booming” and may possibly triple in growth in the coming years.
We hope this article has helped by sharing a few insider secrets within the cannabis industry. If you are curious to find out what we decided is the best bang for your buck, check it out!!
The post How To Earn Money With Cannabis—From Anywhere In The US appeared first on High Times.