Our Body Makes Cannabinoids When We Masturbate
Our body makes phytocannabinoids when we masturbate or have sex. The naturally produced phytocannabinoids connect to receptors in our spine, brain and organs and are, needless to say, very stimulating. When someone introduces the cannabinoids found in marijuana to their internal endocannabinoid system, it triggers something akin to sexual stimulation apparently.
There is much more very necessary research that needs to be conducted to understand how cannabinoids participate in the sexual experience. It has long been surmised that cannabis has the ability to amplify sexual pleasure, but now scientists are applying rigorous research to get to the meat of the issue.
To test this notion, the team set out “to investigate plasma endocannabinoid levels before and after masturbation in healthy male and female volunteers.” Following this live (and presumably private) experiment, the study’s authors determined that often pleasurable endocannabinoids are apparently indeed released following orgasm, thereby stimulating the same neurochemical region that a joint before or after might have done.
CB1 receptors, found primarily in the brain and spine, are mostly triggered by an endocannabinoid known as anandamide, which draws its name from root words meaning “bliss.” CB2 receptors are found throughout our organs, meanwhile, and are rather triggered by 2-arachidonoylglycerol, or 2-AG.
When anandamide triggers the CB1 receptors in our brains, we tend to experience pleasure, as when the chemical is released by exercise; when the anandamide-mimicking chemical THC triggers them, as when cannabis is consumed, the effect in the brain is even more pronounced, scientists say.
“Counterintuitively, however, it was the production of the endocannabinoid 2-AG that these researchers found to be affected by sexual pleasure,” High Times noted.
Specifically, the researchers found in two separate studies that healthy subjects who masturbated to orgasm had elevated levels of 2-AG in their systems, but not anandamide, which is already known for its pleasing presence.
If it turns out that cannabinoids are as natural to the human body as intercourse, then the bias against marijuana is similar to those that think sex is wrong. Are you against having sex?
read more at forbes.com
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