How To Get Over Cannabis-Induced Anxiety
Most cannabis enthusiasts are well aware of the fact that weed can at times create feelings of anxiety, dread, and paranoia, ultimately leading to a less than pleasant experience. This is especially true when it comes to newbies who have yet to learn their limits or the notable differences between strains but even veterans can succumb to these feelings every now and again under the right circumstances. So what can enthusiasts do during these anxiety ridden episodes to lessen the effects? We’ve put together a few tips for folks to try the next time these feelings creep up again.
Consider switching to CBD
The cannabinoid known as Cannabidiol (CBD) can help mitigate the effects of THC thereby significantly reducing many aspects of a negative high. Sticking to strains that are high in CBD content might help reduce any feelings of anxiety after your smoke session. Also, there are tons of places to purchase CBD products that contain no THC and up to 99.9% CBD nowadays with the increased interest surrounding the cannabinoid as well as plenty of options on how it can be consumed including powders, tinctures, capsules, and many more.
Distract yourself while in public
When cannabis gets to your nerves it really helps to stay busy both mentally and physically. If you find yourself uncomfortably high in public, a good trick to help you calm down is to look for and focus on something distracting. People watching is usually a safe bet as there is always something humorous that will catch your eye and before you know it, your mind will quickly turn its full attention to something funny rather than anxiety.
Get a bite to eat and/or grab something to drink
There really is no better way to distract yourself amidst a cannabis induced anxiety attack than by indulging the munchies. If you are able to, get to your kitchen and whip yourself up a simple meal or a snack. By focusing on your cooking you will be able to keep most negative thoughts from become too overwhelming, plus eating something will undoubtedly make you feel better.
Keep busy
If you are feeling overly anxious and paranoid, try taking a simple walk around the block or down to a park to help calm your nerves, ease the discomfort you’re feeling, and get some fresh air along with a change of scenery. It really doesn’t have to be far as long as you are outside and moving. You could also go for a run, hop on your bike, or even go for a swim if the episode is particularly bad and you are feeling up to it.
Take a Deep Breath & Calm Yourself Down
Take a deep breath, focus on your breathing and try to quiet the many thoughts that are racing through your mind. More often than not cannabis-induced anxiety is a mental struggle, so if you can gain control over your thoughts and feelings you will begin feeling better in no time. If you have a tendency to feel anxious after consuming cannabis, talk with your budtender or do some research on the different cannabis strains and their respective effects.
Do you have any cannabis-induced anxiety remedies that you’d like to share?
Anxiety RemediescannabinoidsCannabis AnxietyCBDCure for AnxietyHow To Avoid Cannabis AnxietyMarijuana AnxietyterpenesTHCweed news