Meet The Terpene Known As Bisabolol
One of the lesser known terpenes found in cannabis is called bisabolol (aka alpha-bisabolol or levomenol). This particular compound, which is becoming more and more popular for use in cosmetics due to its very pleasant aroma, has also shown to potentially possess valuable medicinal qualities. Bisabolol has been credited with containing strong anti-inflammatory properties that are key in treating diseases such as lupus and irritable bowel syndrome.
Limited research has also shown that bisabolol and derived compounds could potentially help in the ongoing fight against some types of cancer and other chronic illnesses. Of course, significant more time and research are needed to discover the full extent of bisabolol’s positive effects on the health and well being of the human body.
Medical Benefits:
Anti-Inflammatory Effects
One of bisabolol’s most well-known medical benefits is its anti-inflammatory properties. A 2011 study examined this and why alpha-bisabolol is used as a “cosmetic soothing supplement” in so many beauty products. Through their research, they discovered the exact mechanism that gives this terp its anti-inflammatory properties.
Since inflammation is at the root of many problems, most obviously pain but also disorders like lupus, Crohn’s Disease, and inflammatory bowel disease, alpha-bisabolol could be a contributing factor to why certain strains help these ailments more than others.
Cancer Fighting Abilities
Some of the most exciting findings about this terpene are its potential cancer-fighting abilities. For example, both a 2011 and 2016 study have found alpha-bisabolol to slow pancreatic cancer cell growth. Plus, a 2012 study found the terpene may help fight against acute leukemia cells. These findings are promising, but obviously more research is needed before we can put a-bisabolol to work fighting cancer.
Have you ever heard of or tried bisabolol before? Would you be interested in finding out more about this terpene?
Bisabolol: The Medical Benefits Of This Floral Terpene
Anti-Inflammatorybisabololcannabis terpenemarijuana terpenesterpeneterpenesweed newsweed terpene